Monthly Archives: December 2016

One of These

  1. That one last pair of clean socks before the judgment day.
  2. One last chewy center Gobstopper on one of Jupiter’s moons.
  3. A hypodermic needle full of pilgrims heading for America.

If I were just one those three,
I’d be a sunshine world all over the place.
I’d lay my troubles down like an Al Green song stuck
in permanent jukebox play.
I would be an
onion peel, a sink stopper,
a can opener.

Yes, except that only I would be
an onion peel, a sink stopper, a can opener,
a sunshine world all over the place
listening to Al Green
as one of the three items mentioned earlier:

  1. a clean pair of socks before judgment
  2. a Gobstopper on a Jupiter moon
  3. or a hypodermic needle full of pilgrims
    heading to America.

One of those.

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Filed under Poetry