Monthly Archives: March 2016

Release of Dark Sandwiches

It is out.

“Dark Sandwiches is whimsical, radical and wonderfully weird. If David Lynch, John Lennon and Edward Corey had a literary threesome, their love child might look something like this. Make no mistake, Gresham is a wholly original American voice.”- Edward E Romero, writer and director


Get it. HERE.

There is a guy in Austin TX, Stephan Schwake, who makes a sandwich far better than I do. I willingly admit that. He is earth’s first at getting close to one of the contraptions dealt with in this book. Often while writing I ask myself, “What would Schwake paint?” I’ve trash-canned scores of poems that have not met this test. It’s not only in his art where he inspires me, his grocery shelves and refrigerator are great sources of inspiration, too. From his kitchen, he calls for a sandwich made from blackberry preserves and Nutella on Pumpernickel. Sounds scrumptious. I haven’t tried one of those, yet, but I do now have a title for a book, Dark Sandwiches.

Over the years, others have come forward suggesting various types of dark bread with ingredients such as black olives and black beans. Others have gone as far as to suggest dark sandwiches made with black forest ham or even Schwarzwälder Schinken, which is a variety of dry-cured smoked ham produced in the Black Forest region of Germany. But are these helpful folks talking about poetry or lunch? And would I know the difference? – Terry M Gresham

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